Surgical Tech Schools in Ohio

Enrolling in any of the accredited surgical tech schools in Ohio can help you get the high-quality training and preparation for a career as a surgical tech. The position of surgical tech is a thriving, exciting sector of the healthcare industry. The surgical technician is responsible for ensuring that the operating room meets safety and sanitation standards prior to surgery, ensuring the sterility of surgical equipment, assisting in patients’ surgical preparation, and providing the surgeon with tools as needed during surgery, among other things.  So, what should a potential student know before considering surgical tech programs in Ohio?

The Basics on Surgical Tech Schools in Ohio

surgical tech schools in Ohio

For enhanced employment prospects and the comfort of knowing one is attending a quality school, it is important to find an accredited program. The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools handle the accreditation of surgical tech programs.

Training at one of the surgical tech schools in Ohio typically lasts about two years, ultimately resulting in an associate’s degree. Believe it or not, surgical tech schools in Ohio are often offered at community colleges, vocational or technical schools, along with four-year universities. There are even some online surgical tech schools in Ohio that is particularly helpful for those with a busy schedule or live too far to commute to school.

After graduation, it is important to gain certification by applying to take and passing an exam administered by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting or The National Association For Healthcare Quality. Though certification isn’t a requirement for surgical techs in every state, obtaining certification indicates to employers that one is ready to handle the job.

What to Expect at Surgical Tech Schools in Ohio

Most surgical tech schools offer both classroom learning and practical experience. Many schools introduce practical training in a mock surgical lab, where students can practice for the job in a realistic but low pressure setting. A number of schools also work with area hospitals, allowing students to gain real-time, clinical experience in a real surgical setting. Some core courses offered in surgical tech training are operating room standards, medical terminology along with anatomy and physiology.

Surgical Tech Employment Outlook

After completing the program and passing a certification exam, the job search begins. Surgical tech is an in-demand field, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that positions in surgical tech are expected to grow 19 percent by 2020. With a training certificate and certification in hand, one stands a strong chance of landing a job in the field. Surgical tech positions are commonly found in hospitals, at outpatient care centers, and at physician’s offices.

where do Surgical Techs work

Surgical Tech Salary Averages

The O*Net Online indicates that the median annual wage for surgical techs was $41,790 in 2012. One can expect to earn slightly more or less as a surgical tech depending on the environment in which they work. The best paying positions can typically be found in outpatient care centers. Hospital salaries tend to more strongly align with the national average. There is also generally room for growth, as the top ten percent of surgical techs brought home a median salary of $57,330 in 2010.

With a strong outlook for finding employment, highly competitive earning potential, the chance to work in a challenging, exciting environment, and the opportunity be of service to patients in the process, surgical tech is an excellent career option for those who desire a position in healthcare. The first step in finding a fulfilling career is to enroll in one of the quality surgical tech schools in Ohio.