Surgical Tech Schools in Oregon

If working in a rewarding, fast-paced environment and saving lives appeals to you, consider enrolling in one of the surgical tech schools in Oregon. Becoming a surgical technologist could be the right career for you and one with advancement possibilities. But before you can even think about starting that new job you will need to talk to a counselor at one of the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) accredited surgical tech programs in Oregon to learn more about getting started.

What is a Surgical Tech?

As one of the more important members of the operating room team, the surgical tech works under the supervision of surgeons, registered nurses or other surgical team members. Operating room teams work like parts of a finely tuned machine to save their patients. The doctors, nurses and surgical technologists all play a vital role in every surgery and the process begins long before the patient arrives. Surgical technologists prepare the operating theater, prepare the patient for surgery and assist during the surgical procedure.

Surgical Tech Schools in Oregon

surgical tech schools in oregonStudents interested in a career in surgical technology should have completed high school courses in health, chemistry, biology and math. This gives you a solid foundation for surgical technology programs offered at Surgical Tech schools in Oregon.

You have two options for training to become a surgical technologist in Oregon. Some schools offer a certificate program, usually taking about 12 months to complete. This gives you the basic training needed for certification and working as an entry-level surgical tech. You can find some of the surgical tech schools in Oregon at a few of the community colleges, and at vocational or technical schools. You also have the option of online training.

Many students choose to attend a two-year program achieving an Associate of Applied Science Degree in surgical technology instead. Degree programs offer comprehensive training that is more attractive to prospective employers. Graduates with a degree have better career prospects and higher earnings than those completing a certificate or diploma program.

Sample Curriculum

Your school schedule could look a lot like the one presented below from Mount Hood Community College in Gresham, OR.

Surgical Tech Programs in Oregon

Practical experience

Training to become a surgical technologist involves both class/lab work on campus and practical clinical rotations in a local hospital or surgical clinic. This hands-on training takes place during the last three quarters of the program and provides students with valuable experience.  Working closely under the supervision of hospital staff, students apply the things learned in class to real-world situations.

During this time, you will research assigned surgical procedures and assist in the care of patients before, during and after surgery. The rotations ensure students gain experience in different types of surgery on patients of all ages. The surgical staff supervising the rotation works closely with Surgical Tech schools in Oregon in evaluating and reporting student on the job performance. Doing well during clinical rotations often results in an offer of full time employment.

Career outlook

Prospects for employment in health care are strong and demand for surgical technologists and surgical assistants are expected to grow in future. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that demand for surgical technologists will increase by 19 percent between 2010 and 2020.

Pay and benefits for graduates of Surgical Tech schools in Oregon favors comparably with other states. Median income for a surgical tech in Oregon is $47,700 per year and the top ten percent can expect to earn nearly $60,000 per year, according to O*Net Online.

surgical technologists training in oregon

An aging population and continual innovation in medical and surgical technology means that demand should remain high for qualified technologists. It is an exciting and rewarding career with ample room for advancement to higher paying Surgical Assistant positions. Get started on your new career today. Talk to a counselor about enrolling in one of the surgical tech schools in Oregon today.